This app help to centralize all audio settings related like various streams volume control, mute-ness and default action to take when headset plug in or plug out in one place. Although most other apps already have something similar, the option to control some of the features are spread around where you need to hunt around for the correct settings to change.
Below two settings are independent of each other.
- Tap Audio to set what action to do whenever headset is plug in or out and then tap Start/Stop the service.
- Tap Volume to set the various streams volume control and mute-ness.
Important points to note:
- Since audio settings require interfacing to the audio hardware, I have used what Android SDK provided but for certain Android-based smart-phones hardware manufacturers, they may not perform what is defined in the SDK.
- Spend the 15 minutes trial to see if your own Android-based smart-phone hardware can do what this app advertises.
The application support English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">这个程序有助于集中所有相关音频设置如各种流音量控制,静音性和预设动作时或耳机的插头插在同一个地方。虽然大多数其他应用程序已经有类似的东西,遍布控制的一些功能选项,你需要到处寻找正确的设置来改变。
- 点击音频设置什么动作做每当耳机插头或缩小,然后点击开始/停止该服务。
- 轻按音量设置不同的流音量控制和静音性。
- ,由于音频设置需要连接音频硬件,我已经使用Android SDK中提供的,但对于某些基于Android的智能手机的硬件制造商,他们可能无法执行SDK中的定义是什么。
- 花15分钟审看,如果你自己的基于Android的智能手机的硬件可以做什么,这个应用程序广告。
该应用程序支持英语,简体中文,繁体中文显示。</div> <div class="show-more-end">